ISPRS 2022 Virtual Keynote Speaker Series

The second Keynote Speaker in 2022 is Bruno Vallet, from Lasting Lab at IGN in Paris, who will talk about Creating digital twins of cities: from data acquisition to 3D modeling on Friday, 01.04.2022 at 14:00 CEST . AbstractThe talk will adress various technical aspects of 3D city modeling from remote sensing data, with a focus on mobile mapping data.First, the mobile mapping technique will be presented, then the issue of precise geolocalization and registration of such data will be adressed.The talk will then focus on processing this data to analyse and reconstruct 3D city models: object detection, semantic analysis, 3D object, surface and structured reconstruction, texturing and change detection, with an emphasis on scaling.Finally the talk will present a broad range of applications to these techniques.BiographyBruno Vallet graduated from école polytechnique and Telecom ParisTech in 2004, and obtained a masters in artificial intelligence and shape recognition from Pierre et Marie Curie university. He completed his PhD in the Alice team of INRIA Nancy under the supervision of Bruno Lévy in the field of geometry processing. After obtaining his PhD in 2008, he joined IGN as a full-time researcher. Bruno Vallet successfully defended his research direction habilitation (HDR) from Université Paris Est in 2016. Since 2008, he has participated in several french and european research projects. Since 2019, Bruno Vallet coordinates the ACTE research team of the Lastig lab at IGN with areas of intert ranging from data acquisition, calibration and registration to 3D scene reconstruction and analysis, with a strong emphasis on mobile mapping. Finally, Bruno Vallet is co-chair of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Working Group II/4 on 3D Scene Reconstruction and Analysis.________________________________________In 2019, the ISPRS Keynote Speaker Programme was initiated to provide an opportunity for ISPRS Ordinary, Associate, and Regional Members to enhance the scientific quality of their events and to attract more participants by inviting top quality international experts to speak. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the programme has unfortunately come to a halt. Therefore, ISPRS has decided to host a monthly virtual Keynote Speech, and invites you to attend. We aim to offer interesting topics from all areas of our field and hope you will join us!