Webinar series

Dear Colleagues

I write to you in my role as the national secretary of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Commission (RSPC) of the Australian Spatial Sciences and Surveying Institute (SSSI).

SSSI’s RSPC has organised a webinar series related to drone surveying. So far, we have the following presentations confirmed or completed (AEST means Australian Eastern Standard Time):

Renee Bartolo, Issues to consider when establishing a drone program  learnings from the US Geological Survey, Tue, 02 June 11 AM AEST

Prof Clive Fraser, Camera calibration and why it is important, 02 July 2020 4PM AEST

Ross Anderson, Understanding changes to RPAS operations introduced by the Part 101 Manual of Standards, Mon 13 July 3:00 PM AEST

Dr Mozhdeh Shahbazi, Georeferencing techniques in drone-based photogrammetry and laser scanning, Tue, July 14th at 11:00 AM AEST

Jason Birch, Quality assessment, TBA

Jason Birch, Photogrammetry VS Structure from motion VS Lidar  advantages and limits, TBA

Dr. Alamouri Ahmed, Investigations on the geometric quality of cameras for UAV applications using the high precision UAV test field Zollern colliery, Wed 9 Sep 5PM AEST.

Further talks are planned related to PPP vs TRK drone survey, mission planning and post-processing.

An overview of all webinars including abstracts of the talks and the possibility for registration is available here https://sssi.org.au/sssi-community/commissions/remote-sensing-photogrammetry/events/rspc-surveying-using-drones-2020

If you believe that your members would be interested in the webinar series, SSSI would like to offer the webinars to your members for a reduced fee. Your members will need to register using the following code AARS20

When using the promotional code during the registration process the next webinar given by Prof. Clive Fraser will be free of costs. All following webinars will be reduced from $50 to $15 (Australian Dollar) when using the code

The webinars are recorded, and the recordings will be available to everyone who is registered. The link to the recording will be sent by email the following day. Therefore, time differences should not be a challenge.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes
