Environmental & Health Concerns: Geospatial TechnologyISPRS WG III/9 (Geospatial Environment and Health Analytics) Webinar Date/Time: September 26, 2024, 9 AM, GMT Please register here ProgramIntroduction of Webinar Theme “Environmental & Health Concerns: Geospatial Technology” and Webinar Moderation: Dr Muralikrishna Iyyanki, Chairman ISPRS WG III/9, Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=-bLu37QAAAAJ Speakers:Dr. Srinivasulu Asadi Dr. Asadi is a Visiting Professor at crcCARE, the University of Newcastle, Australia. Previously, he worked as the Head of Research & OpenLabs in IT at BlueCrest University, Monrovia, Liberia. He has 22 years of teaching and industrial experience He also holds several professional certifications, including 07 IBM Professional Certifications such as RAD, RFT, DB2, RTC, TDS, LOTUS Domino, and WID, 02 Microsoft Certifications etc. Topic: Generative AI Applications – A health perspective Dr. Satya Sahithi Veeramallu Dr. Satya Sahithi Veeramallu is a specialist in Remote Sensing and GIS, currently serving as an assistant professor at Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, where she contributes significantly to the fields of geospatial technology and environmental sciences. With over eight years of experience in prominent national organizations like NRSC-ISRO, Satya Sahithi has garnered extensive expertise in hyperspectral data processing for environmental applications. Topic: Hyperspectral data for improved LU/LC classification with specific reference to closely resembling classes |